Tuesday, March 31, 2009
USS Hartford Nuclear Propulsion System Leaking Radioactivity...Is Reactor DAMAGED...
The USS Hartford docked at Mina Salman pier has apparently been surrounded with protective booms as local Public Commission for the Protection of Fisheries, Environment and Wildlife Shaikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa issued orders for the officials concerned to follow up on the environmental impact the incident may have on Bahrain. It was first thought that this piece of information concerned the 25,000 of Light Crude/Diesel that the USS New Orleans spilled when a 16-18 diamter hole was punched into its hull...it now turns out there could be far more worrisome issues.
It seems that Shaikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa wants WATER SAMPLES from under the Nuclear Fast Attack Sub USS Hartford to ascertain the severity of the RADIOACTIVE LEAK!
He said that officials are monitoring the situation with the US Navy regional environment affairs co-ordinator and Mutual Emergency (MEMAC) and Bahrain port authorities after the vessels were transferred to Bahrain waters for maintenance work.
This blog contacted Naval Operations, and several people REFUSED COMMENT, one person saying, "we cannot discuss that matter." After much persistence I was told I would have to speak to one PAO Ed Siegler...so far, the man has not bothered to respond to the inquiry. So tell us the TRUTH Mr. Seigler...is the USS Hartford leaking radioactive materials, and if so, how significant is the damage to the nuclear propulsion system? For other news sources that get better response than us bloggers get, you can reach Mr. Siegler at (202)433-2678 or by cell at (703)609-7996 If you get anything, let us know.
It seems that Shaikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa wants WATER SAMPLES from under the Nuclear Fast Attack Sub USS Hartford to ascertain the severity of the RADIOACTIVE LEAK!
He said that officials are monitoring the situation with the US Navy regional environment affairs co-ordinator and Mutual Emergency (MEMAC) and Bahrain port authorities after the vessels were transferred to Bahrain waters for maintenance work.
"We ensured containing the environmental impact from the oil leaks with the use of rubber booms," said the spokesman.
He said that the public commission requested the US Navy to be provided with samples from under the submarine to be analysed as soon as possible at one of the neutral labs in the region.
"The move aimed at establishing the level of the radioactive leak," said the spokesman.
He said that Bahrain authorities also requested an urgent report on procedures that ensure safeguarding marine environment and the health of the workers during maintenance work on the submarine in Bahrain.
"The public commission, in co-ordination with the Royal Navy, learnt that the submarine's fuel was not affected from the collision," said the spokesman.
"The US Navy regional environment affairs co-ordinator also assured us in an urgent reply that the submarine contains measuring and early dedication equipment to monitor any leak of nuclear fuel." (These are the same hallow false propaganda reports the NRC gives us all the time...same thing we heard when Indian Point leaked 100,000 of tritium laced water into the Hudson River, the same excuses they give to deny their guilt in my wife's cancer...what is the real truth MC2 Kirby?)
"We would like to assure all Bahrain residents that the situation is being closely monitored by the authorities concerned." My suggestion to the citizens of Bahrain...TRUST BUT VERIFY as Mr. Reagan used to say...the Nuclear Navy is not above giving you FAKE WATER SAMPLES....have your own divers collect the samples.
This blog contacted Naval Operations, and several people REFUSED COMMENT, one person saying, "we cannot discuss that matter." After much persistence I was told I would have to speak to one PAO Ed Siegler...so far, the man has not bothered to respond to the inquiry. So tell us the TRUTH Mr. Seigler...is the USS Hartford leaking radioactive materials, and if so, how significant is the damage to the nuclear propulsion system? For other news sources that get better response than us bloggers get, you can reach Mr. Siegler at (202)433-2678 or by cell at (703)609-7996 If you get anything, let us know.
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