Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Apparently the Black Community is so thrilled to have a Black President that they are willing to stick their heads in the sand, play the part of the three monkeys (no racial insult intended) who hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil when it comes to their black President Obama. The Latino Community right now is a one issue Unicycle, and they only care about pushing through AMNESTY for 12-25 Million Illegal Aliens before Main Street Americans wake up from our stupor and tell GOVERNMENT, AMNESTY OVER OUR COLD DEAD BODIES. With over seven million illegal aliens working in our Economy while over 11 million LEGAL AMERICANS ARE OUT OF WORK, you would think Main Street would have woke up yesterday, would already be busing people to Washington to demand real change in the form of ENFORCEMENT. Getting distracted...Obama is an insensitive moron that is showing us with each passing day that he has no clue...today's example...telling Americans that Stocks just might be getting to a point where they are ATTRACTIVE AGAIN....FUCK YOU OBAMA....your policies have cost us 25 percent of what we had left in our 401K's when you took office and you want to tell us:

"On the other hand, what you're now seeing is profit and earning ratios are starting to get to the point where buying stocks is a potentially good deal if you've got a longterm perspective on it." Did you get that line from Madoff?

Hello Mr. Harvard LAW SCHOOL GRADUATE...what do you suggest we purchase those stocks with even if you are right...you, Wall Street and Congress BANKRUPTED the entire Middle Class! You personally President Obama could have put FOUR MILLION AMERICANS BACK TO WORK by making E Verify the law...instead, you stated that E Verify should not be put into the Stimulus Bill because it would put too many ILLEGAL ALIENS OUT OF WORK before you and Congress could grant them AMNESTY... said AMNESTY letting them keep those jobs they have stolen. Tell me Mr. Obama...what is your justification for allowing 7 million illegal alien criminals to keep working while 11 Million Americans are OUT OF WORK, struggling to feed our families, feed our children? You Sir are acting like some cold hearted, cruel, evil SOCIALIST DICTATOR!

Your White House Health Care Summit, the overhaul of Health Care...TELL US BEFORE THE SUMMIT THAT SAID REFORM WILL NOT BE EXTENDED TO ILLEGAL ALIENS Mr. President, and before you try to do a slight of hand trick...tell us in the SAME SENTENCE that Illegal Aliens will not be entitled to ANY HEALTH COVERAGE in the Comprehensive Overhaul, and FURTHER, there will be NO PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for ILLEGAL ALIENS, NO AMNESTY for the 12-25 Million illegal aliens INFESTING OUR NATION.

Yes, I AM ANGRY, and like it or not, I am representative of a seething ANGER that is about ready to EXPLODE here in America...FUCK THE GOD DAMN ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINALS, and FUCK YOUR AMNESTY AGENDA Mr. President...and to all you Lily white liberal do gooders with your heads up your ass that are aghast that I would speak to the President of the United States this way...UP YOURS YOU IDIOTS. American CHILDREN ARE STARVING, AMERICAN FAMILIES ARE LOSING EVERYTHING, and you people want to give AMNESTY TO CRIMINALS! American Tax Payers are being forced to underwrite LOAN REFINANCING for over TWO MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS so that their homes will not be foreclosed on...I got a better idea...deport the families, and bulldoze down the foreclosed homes, turn the land into community PARKS! Call it equal for the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS our Government has WRONGFULLY GIVEN the banking industry and Wall Street! Let AIG FAIL!...what you fail to tell the American people Mr. President is you do not want AIG to fail because of the number of FOREIGN INVESTMENTS and STRUCTURES THEY INSURE...FUCK THOSE FOREIGN INVESTORS!

You finish off your day of ANAL RHETORIC Mr. President telling us that a World Economy is the answer...FUCK Mr. Brown, and FUCK YOU! World Economy is just another way for you and people like Mr. Brown to say they WANT AMERICA TO BAIL OUT THE WORLD....FUCK THE WORLD, FUCK THE WTO, FUCK THE WORLD BANK, and while we are on the subject Mr. Obama, FUCK TWO TRILLION DOLLARS FOR THE NUCLEAR INDUSTRY...it is not green and it is not safe!

A World Economy has all BUT DESTROYED AMERICA...send the ILLEGAL ALIENS PACKING, put 50,000 troops on our Southern Border with Mexico, and if Calderon does not like it, we can always invade...Mexicans might be better off if Mexico were our 51st state anyway! Tell China effective IMMEDIATELY that there is a 200 percent TARIFF ON ALL CHINESE GOODS, and tell Iraq we are pulling our troops out EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY...what, you think I do not follow the news, keep up with just how close Iraq is too IRAN...fine, let them suck up to Iran, BRING OUR TROOPS HOME.

Do America a favor Mr. Obama...resign EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY...take your wife, your children and head back to Chicago...sure the book deals and speaking engagements that will be there for you will see you never wanting for anything. America will be MUCH BETTER OFF WITH YOU AND YOUR SOCIALIST AGENDA a distant BAD MEMORY. In parting....your policies Mr. President, your desire to grant Amnesty to illegal aliens through so called earned citizenship, your allowing seven million illegal aliens too keep working when Americans are out of work, your refusal to instantly fund and activate E Verify, your refusal TO INCREASE WORK PLACE ENFORCEMENT is BRINGING ABOUT CLASS WARFARE LIKE THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN....do not kid yourself Mr. President, it is US OR THEM, and there are MILLIONS OF AMERICANS that are not going to there JOBS and THEIR DREAMS over to illegal aliens, not going to see their own children starve because an illegal alien is allowed to keep a job that belongs to an American without a FIGHT...that is not a threat, that is just a observation from a man a lot closer to the Blue Collar workers of the Heartland than you ever thought about being.


Anonymous said...

Hello Royce...I forwarded these comments to the White House using my name and address..If you do not hear from me again you will know I have been whisked away in the night..Isn't that what they do in socialist governments ? Larry

Royce Penstinger said...

I sent the White House a simliar missive last night myself...it is sad when our own president goes before the press and announces that a World Econony is the answer, when our president refuses to put E Verify into a law because too many Illegal Aliens would lose their jobs.

CNN has been doing several pieces on greatly increased gun sales in the past year, and citizens stockpiling ammo....So where is Mr. Harvard Graduate in being astute enough to realize that Main Street America has been pushed as far as they care to be pushed, are about to take justice into their own hands.

Surely Washington, DC can see the idiocy in allowing SEVEN MILLION Illegal Aliens to continue working when over 11 Million Americans are out of work.

By the way, it is estimated that leaving E Verify out of the Stimulus Bill will see over 300,000 of the jobs being created by the Stimulus Bill going to Illegal Aliens...potentially a LOT HIGHER NUMBER. THe president signed a Health Care Bill to insure millions of Americans...it is a play on words as both Mexicans and Canadiens are members of the North American Continent, thus can technically be considered Americans...the word CITIZEN was left out on PURPOSE...that bill instanctly gave millions of children of Illegal Aliens access to our health care system!

By the way, I would encourage EVERY AMERICAN to find ways of buying your cigarettes that by pass taxes...Indian Reservations, a trip to Canada...it is another SIN TAX on Cigarettes that will pay for that Bill...by the way, where is the American Civil Liberty Union filing suits on behalf OF US SINNERS? I am getting DAMNED TIRED of being taxed to death because I enjoy a Single Malt Scotch, or the occassional six pack of beer in my frig!

America is being invaded, our government is doing noting about the invasion, and in fact is GLEEFULLY seeling Americans and our nation out in the name of a Global Economy...time for some good old fashion PROTECNTIONIST behaviors starting with Buy American, and perhaps going as far as groups of citizens of a like mind bilding their own NEW COMMUNITIES, encampments, forts, city states out of self protection.

After all, how good of a job protecting us citizens is even our own local government doing when some of us find ourselves ALL BUT SURROUNDED by Illegal Aliens? In case some of you who are spying here do not believe me...in just the past two years I have THREE TIMES had my car crashed into (parked in front of my own house)by ILLEGAL ALIEN's, two of those times by DRUNK Illegal Aliens who HAD NO LICENSE...let me guess Mr. Obama, those infractions by these criminals will not keep them from GAINING AMNESTY under your proposed Comprehensive Immigration Reform?


Anonymous said...

台北風俗情報 台湾風俗情報taipei風俗 taiwan風俗 台湾風俗風俗体験談 - 口コミ風俗情報局 回春マッサージ無料案内所【無料案内館】新人情報・お店情報お任せ下さい! 掲載店舗数NO1・情報量NO1・スタッフ対応NO1・ お店探しに迷ったらとにかくお得な無料案内所へ!台湾おっぱいパブ【 KTV 制服店】【安心・安全の明朗会計。安心してご利用いただけます。】レジェンド(旧プレステージ)G線と「プリンセスクラブ」「シュガーベイビー」「フェアレディ」台北風俗「オシャレ」「東京」「マスターズ」「36」「Tては、まずロッカーに荷物を入れて、大浴場で風呂に入って、休憩室でくつろいでいると必ずオババがやってきて、「スペシャルマッサージ?」と聞いてくるので、コクリとうなずけば一つ上のフロアにある隠し扉の向こうの部屋に連れて行かれます。この隠し扉、完全にドラゴンクエストの影響を受けた扉で、一見【2020年最新版】の価値ありです。マジでビックリしました。あとは、部屋に案内され、ベッドで横になって待っていると、小姐がノックをして入ってきます。ここで、問題なのが、台北では小姐を全員の中から選べないということ。裏サウナの暗がりの部屋の中、一瞬の判断で小姐のカオ、スタイル、性格を見抜く必要があります。時間にして2秒くらいだと思いますが、ご自身の勘を頼りにして、瞬間で判断してください。もし、気に入らなかった場合は、「チェンジ」、「ノー」、「不用(ブーヨン)」と言えば、黙って部屋から出て行って、すぐ新しい小姐が来ます【2020年最新版】。何回でもチェンジできますから遠慮せずに好みに合う人を待つことが重要です。基本的には台北のサウナは歳が30オーバーがほとんどだと思いますが、その分プレイ内容はかなり濃厚です。オススメとしては、あまり

Anonymous said...
